Plays on iMacs (revision B or later), G3s (blue and white desktops or later), or G4s.
MacOS 9.0 or later
333 MHz or faster
64 MB memory (96 MB recommended)
Open GL 3D Hardware Acceleration Required (Rage Pro, Rage 128 or better)
OpenGL 1.2 or later
DrawSprocket 1.7.6 or later
InputSprocket 1.7.3 or later
NetSprocket 1.7.1 or later
QuickTime 4.0 or later
CarbonLib 1.5 or later (Could work on earlier versions, but hasn't be tested).
No special installation is required. If you need any of the above software, visit the Apple web sites for these products.
Joystick not Responding within the game, this will be causes if Input Spcoket hasn't been installed in MacOS 9.x, or if within MacOS X, the HID.bundle file is missing from the directory which the WipeOut 2097 application is. Please make sure that any 3rd party device driver have been installed to support your device has been successfully installed.
MacOS X 10.0 displays garbage during first two splash screens. This was a due to a bug in OpenGL; this has been fixed in MacOS X 10.1. You can by-pass the first two screens, by pressing enter, and the game will run as normal.
MacOS 9.0.4 Missing textures throughout of the game, but the 3d models look ok. Install the OpenGL version 1.2.
No Intro movie been played, this due that the intro movie is an mpeg, and requires at least QuickTime 4.0 or later.
Cannot restart a network game try restarting your machine, as sometimes the Netsprocket daemon cannot shut itself down, even though you have requested it to, and when another process tries to start a game of the same type causes the new process to fail. Restarting your machine will make sure that everything has correctly reset.
Choppy Music at the startup using QuickTime, this is because playing QuickTime music and your selected game resolution, there isn't enough cpu around, pressing return to game menus, and the music should return back to normal throughout the game.
Also please visit our web site FAQ for an updated list: -
Performance Tips
Here are a few things you can try to make the game play faster and smoother:
• Try selecting a lower frame rate.
• Set the game resolution to a smaller size.
• Quit all other open applications.
• Restart your Mac with only necessary extensions (Mac OS base extensions, QuickTime, Draw & Input Sprockets, OpenGL), using the Extensions Manager control panel.
• During network games disconnect all mounted volumes.
Bugs Fixed
• Fixed the reintroduced bug with CD testing code which is broken for 10.2.1, now applies same test as iTunes does.
• Fixes to joystick code for 10.2
Tested Joysticks.
Gravis Gamepad
MacAlly IShock II
Sateik P750 (10.2 onwards only)
LogiTech Driving Force Steer wheel
ThrustMast Fox-2-Pro Joystick
Logitech Wingman Extreme joystick
Logitech Wingman Attack 2
Thrustmaster wheel.
• Fixed the reintroduced bug with CD testing code which is broken for 10.2.
• Updated Packaging information to be compatible with 10.2
• Now using Apple's new packaging system and have added language support for English, French, German and Swedish.
• Intro movie now plays with QuickTime 6.
• Network options now use OpenPlay instead of NetSprocket
• Pointer is now hidden during the game.
• Fixes to Sound volume control.
• Fully Carbonized.
• Inbuilt screen shot mechanism now works at all resolutions.
• When users had multiple monitors, the game works correctly.
• Performace and Graphical fixes. Now faster than before.
• Fixed random crash which sometimes happened at startup.